
Meet some of the people who are on the front lines of your label development, production, and success.

Scott Dobrowolski

A seriously talented water-skier, Scott makes it happen as our Director of Manufacturing. A life long 'print guy', Scott's secret to success is a willingness to outwork and outthink the challenges printing high performance labels provide.

Priya Muthukumar

GRLabel's materials engineer Priya applies her chemical engineering education and passion for adhesive performance to solve needs everyday. When not in our lab or with clients, you'll find her seeking adventure in America's state and national parks.

Christine Howlett

One of GRLabel's key Senior Sales Engineers, Christine brings vast knowledge, sharp logic, and unrelenting work ethic to every opportunity. When not working with clients, you might catch a glimpse of Christine Up North enjoying Lake Michigan.

David Kempainen

A connoisseur of all things loud and fast, David is the kind of guy you want on your team. Relentlessly smiling and getting things done on any of our presses, David can be counted on for always going that extra mile for our clients.

April Razmus

As Customer Success Manager, April and her team focus on responsiveness, accuracy, and transparency to ensure our client's experiences are unmatched. When not at GRLabel April proudly 'manages' her kids with grace and humor.

Ron Kozal

Ron is the head of our estimating department. Using his press and material knowledge, he's a key factor in determining pricing and which press will operate best for our clients based on their needs. Ron is a strong supporter of West Michigan sports of all kinds, especially the West Michigan Whitecaps.

Environmental Impact

Our belief is leaving things better than we find them, 18 years of ISO14001 certification, and our commitment to the future of our planet has lead to real results. Here's how our conservation efforts over the past 6 years have lead to specific value and becoming 100% landfill free.

5.4 million
Water bottles saved
Garbage trucks diverted
Phones powered per year
2 Years
Self powered
ALS foundation banner

Social Responsibility

We consider it our obligation and our privilege to contribute to the betterment of our community, and to society as a whole. We do this through the Grand Rapids Label Foundation and active involvement with organizations such as Adopt A Family through United Way, Kids' Food Basket and the ALS Association Michigan Chapter. We support and encourage employee participation in whatever causes are held most dear.

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