Environmentally friendly forest and stream

Eco Friendly Labeling

Actively seeking like minded partnerships across our supply chain and client-base so conversations and goals can lead to actions and tangible results. If you want to drive solvents out of your adhesives, use materials with recycled content, or talk waste to energy, we're all in. GRLabel has the resources and industry connections to help. Let's talk and see how we can merge our efforts and your environmental goals into success together.

Let's connect

What are we doing at GRLabel?

Since 2008, Grand Rapids Label has implemented several programs to address a host of environmental initiatives including the recycle-compatibility of adhesives and liners, construction of light-weighting, production waste reclaim/reuse, waste to energy, emission offsetting, and total energy utilization.

Leaders in Environmentalism

Preserving the environment is an integral part of our business. We reached our goal of being 100% landfill free in 2023, but were not stopping there. We are now exploring additional methods to increase our sustainability efforts such as emission reduction & post consumer waste. Watch below to see an example of how we embrace an industry leading environmental vision here at GRLabel.

How can we help you?

Does your business have environmental initiatives it is aiming to accomplish? By integrating that simple question into our client conversations, we have been able to drive results and successes by helping accomplish a host of environmental initiatives around green labeling, waste reduction, and land fill avoidance.

Minimize waste in your business

Explore how we can minimize the waste in your product. Not only do our internal programs partnered with Convergen Energy reclaim and reuse the waste produced in our facility, they reduce the waste our labels create in your facility as well.